News functions6 Sep - Stevenage week 23. Transect 1225-1345 hrs (21c, 97% sun, NE 2) - 17 butterflies (Meadow Brown 4, Small Heath 4, Small White 3). All Meadow Browns in last few weeks were females. Have they mated? Small Heath first here since week 9 (May 29)
4 Sep - Red Admiral. Red Admiral on flowering ivy Whittington Lane. Hopefully a good sign for more this autumn
30 Aug - Knebworth week 22. Transects 1030-1300 hrs (19c, 98% sun, SE3) - 49 butterflies (Speckled Wood 18, Meadow Brown 18, Small Heath 6) - higher than week 21's total (40)
28 Aug - WCBS. Only one butterfly on the TL2722 WCBS (Aston) - Small White although weather was good. Field (sections 6 & 7) covered in crop and public footpath impassable so got lost!
27 Aug - Stevenage week 22. Transect 1310-1440 hrs (22c, 6% sun, SW 4) - 17 butterflies (Meadow Brown 6, Small White 3, Green-veined White 3). Not as active in the cloudy conditions
25 Aug - Knebworth week 21. Transects 1030-1310 hrs (17-18c, 90% sun, SW 4) - 39 butterflies (Meadow Brown 14,, Speckled Wood 11, Green-veined White 7). The woods transect yielded the lowest count (17) on record for this week with no Meadow Browns. Have they really died out?
19 Aug - Stevenage week 21. Transect 1020-1150 hrs (19c, 89% sun, SW3) - 22 butterflies (Meadow Brown 11, Gatekeeper 6, Small White 3). About half the average for this week. The sun was hazy, particularly in the first half of the walk which probably curtailed butterfly activity
18 Aug - Knebworth week 20. Transects 1255-1530 hrs (22c, 97% sun, W4) - 71 butterflies (Meadow Brown 27, Speckled Wood 14, Gatekeeper 13). Female Silver-washed Fritillary south of Norton Green Common - scarce this year.
17 Aug - Astonbury Wood. August survey 10 Speckled Wood
13 Aug - Stevenage week 20. Transect 1015-1145 hrs (21c, 100% sun, S3) - 51 butterflies (Gatekeeper 24, Meadow Brown 12, Speckled Wood 7). Most productive week for Speckled Wood so far this year. Large Skipper seen - only once previously this late for this week - in 1998. 4 Peacock - first of the new brood!
9 Aug - Knebworth woods week 19. Transect 1050-1140 hrs (21c, 99% sun, W 4) - 38 butterflies (Gatekeeper 24, Meadow Brown 4, Speckled Wood 3). First Peacock of new generation and first Common Blue of the year in Burleigh Meadow
7 Aug - Knebworth Park week 19. Transect 1015-1155 hrs (19c, 22% sun, SW 4) - 50 butterflies (Gatekeeper 30, Meadow Brown 16). Clouded over by 1115 am so did not walk the woods transect
5 Aug - Stevenage week 19. Transect 1315-1445 hrs, 24c, 87% sun, SW4 - 49 butterflies (Gatekeeper 19, Meadow Brown 15, Green-veined White 5) - winding down now
1 Aug - Knebworth week 18. Transects (1000-1255 hrs, 23c, 83% sun, E1) - 186 butterflies (Meadow Brown 84, Gatekeeper 70, Marbled White 7). White Admiral on edge of Newton Wood - first ever in transect. Small Copper in Knebworth Park - only 2nd of the year
30 Jul - Garden Brimstone. First Brimstone (male) of new generation in garden
29 Jul - Stevenage week 18. Transect 1020-1200 hrs (22c, 99% sun, S3) - 79 butterflies (36 Meadow Brown, 26 Gatekeeper, 6 Small White plus 1st Common Blue of year here). 3 Speckled Wood, second time of more than 1 this year
28 Jul - Jersey Tigers & Big Butterfly Count. Last night's moth trap in garden yielded 22 moths of 13 species including 5 Jersey Tigers, Nut-tree Tussock & Coronet. Late morning at Fairlands Valley Park for Big butterfly Count - 13 Gatekeeper, G-v White & Meadow Brown.
26 Jul - WCBS Aston. 1040-1145 hrs (20c, 83% sun, W3) - 23 butterflies (10 species incl. Gatekeeper 9, Small White 4, Red Admiral 2, Comma 2) - only 1 Meadow Brown!
24 Jul - Knebworth week 17. Transects 1005-1310 hrs (23c, 35% sun, S3) - 189 butterflies (Meadow Brown 83, Gatekeeper 41, Ringlet 19). Clouded over by lunchtime, enough to produce a light shower and curtailing much butterfly activity
23 Jul - Stevenage week 17. Transect 1255-1440 hrs (23c, 38% sun, NW3) - 112 butterflies (Meadow Brown 49, Gatekeeper 23, Marbled White 10). First Speckled Wood for a while
22 Jul - First new-brood Peacock. Seen in garden. 3+ Gatekeeper too
20 Jul - Immature individuals on hop in garden. Comma egg (laid before 16 July), Comma larva (final instar) & Vapourer larva close together. Adult Vapourer moth-trapped on 18 July night
19 Jul - Stevenage week 16. Transect 1000-1145 hrs, 24c, 100% sun, S2) - 165 butterflies (Meadow Brown 79, Small/Essex Skipper 26, Marbled White 17, Ringlet 17 plus 1st Brimstone (male) of new generation)
17 Jul - Knebworth week 16. Transects 1000-1310 hrs, 18-20c, 70% sun, W1) - 266 butterflies (Meadow Brown 106, Marbled White 51, Ringlet 39) plus firsts of the year on Knebworth Park transect for Purple Hairstreak, Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell & Comma. Disappointingly low numbers of skippers - perhaps harder to spot amongst the tall grasses
11 Jul - Knebworth week 15. Transects 1015-1330 hrs (19c, 20% sun, W3-4) - 227 butterflies (Meadow Brown 80, Marbled White 72, Ringlet 46) plus first positively identified Essex Skipper of year near Burleigh Farm. Lowest total count since transects started in 2017.
10 Jul - Stevenage week 15. Transect 1450-1620 hrs (21c, 49% sun, SW4) - 105 butterflies (Meadow Brown 36, Marbled White 30, Ringlet 19) - 3rd worst total this century for this week. Expected more Marbled White considering the copious amount of long grass in many areas
4 Jul - Knebworth week 14. Transects 1025-1325 hrs (18-19c, 60% sun, W4) 162 butterflies (Meadow Brown 72, Ringlet 42, Marbled White 32) plus first Silver-washed Fritillary (Newton Wood) and Gatekeepers (Graffidge Wood and Norton Green Common). Surprisingly, no Marbled Whites at the common and numbers of Meadow Brown much reduced here too
2 Jul - First Small Skippers of the year. Visit to Norton Green searching for Purple Emperors in afternoon but hardly any sunshine. Took many easy photos of Small Skippers at the common. 15+ Small Skipper, 15+ Marbled White, 10+ Meadow Brown and 30+ Ringlet seen
1 Jul - Stevenage week 14. Transect 1010-1145 hrs (18c, 15% sun, W4) - 121 butterflies (Meadow Brown 64, Marbled White 40, Ringlet 15) plus a fresh Comma but not hutchinsoni form which I expected at this time of the year
29 Jun - Knebworth week 13. Transects 1000-1255 hrs (19-20c, 100% sun, SW3) - 225 butterflies (Meadow Brown 145, Ringlet 48, Marbled White 16)
24 Jun - Stevenage week 13. Transect 1005-1140 hours (23c, 60% sun, S1) - 78 butterflies (Meadow Brown 57, Ringlet 10, Marbled White 8). Little butterfly activity due to heat & humidity
22 Jun - White-letter Hairstreaks at Six Hills Common. At least 5 seen over the elm canopy including 2 pairs of males clashing at 0950 hours
20 Jun - Knebworth week 12. Transects 1020-1300 hrs (17-18c, 98% sun, NE2-3) - 71 butterflies (Meadow Brown 51, Speckled Wood 9, Ringlet 5. 1st Marbled White of year at Norton Green Common. 5 Chimney Sweeper moths in Knebworth Park
17 Jun - Stevenage week 12. Transect 1030-1200 hrs (18c, 97% sun, W3) - 33 butterflies (Meadow Brown 26, Large Skipper 3, Holly Blue 2 plus first Marbled White of the year at Shackledell Grassland)
16 Jun - Knebworth week 11. Transects 1055-1320 hrs (17-19c, 90% sun, W3-4) - 39 butterflies (Meadow Brown 29, Speckled Wood 6, Large Skipper 3 and 1st Ringlet of the year south of Norton Green Common). Garden first Meadow Brown of the year x 2
13 Jun - Stevenage week 11. Transect walked 1005-1130 hrs, 17c, 32% sun, SW 4 - 5 butterflies - all Meadow Brown. Difficult to fit in a transect this week with the predominantly cloudy weather!
9 Jun - Knebworth week 10. Owing to inclement weather only the woods transect was walked (1010-1055 hrs, 15c, 6% sun, NW 4) - 2 butterflies: both Large Skipper (first of the year) at Norton Green Common
7 Jun - Stevenage week 10. Transect 1020-1150 hrs (17c, 88% sun, SW 3) - 7 butterflies (Speckled Wood 5, Meadow Brown 2 (1st of the yesr here))
2 Jun - Knebworth week 9. Transects 1030-1315 hrs (16-18c, 100% sun, N 3): 10 butterflies (Small Heath 4, Speckled Wood 3, Holly Blue). Par total count since 2021.
29 May - Stevenage week 9. Transect 1245-1415 hrs (20c, 38% sun, SW3) - 8 butterflies (Holly Blue 5, Small Heath 3). All the Holly Blues at Shackledell Grassland - plenty of Dogwood in flower. Small Heath in field south of Millennium Wood. Holly Blue hovering around buckthorn in garden - egg-laying?
25 May - Knebworth week 8. Transects 1035-1250 hrs (18-19c, 40% sun, SE2) - 7 butterflies (Speckled Wood 2, Orange-tip, Green-veined White and first of the year Common Blue and Small Copper, both in NW Knebworth Park
19 May - Knebworth week 7. Transects 1030-1245 hrs (16-18c, 100% sun, N3) - 15 butterflies (Small Heath 4, Orange-tip 3, Green-veined White 3) plus first Comma for a while off track between The Firs and Newton Wood
13 May - Stevenage week 7. Transect 1250-1405 hrs (20c, 26% sun, S 4) - Small Heath 2, Green-veined White mud puddling and Holly Blue around dogwood at Shackledell
12 May - Small Heath. First of the year in field south of Watery Grove (4). Other butterflies here and Norton Green - Small White 2 and Peacock 2
10 May - Knebworth week 6. Despite ideal weather, only 11 butterflies recorded on the 2 transects (20c, 99% sun, SE 2) - Small White 4, Green-veined White 2, Peacock 2, Orange-tip, Holly Blue & Speckled Wood
9 May - Astonbury Wood. 1050-1115 hrs (18c, 100% sun, SE 2) - Orange-tip 2 (1 male & 1 female) & Speckled Wood
8 May - WCBS Aston. 1110-1205 hrs (15c, 100% sun, E 2) - 2 butterflies (Small White & Speckled Wood)
7 May - Stevenage week 6. Transect 1050-1210 hrs (15c, 90% sun, NE 3) - 12 butterflies (Green-veined White 4, Orange-tip 4, Holly Blue 2, Small White & only 2nd Speckled Wood of year here). 2 Holly Blue & Peacock in garden
5 May - Large White. First Large White of the year on eastern side of Knebworth Park
1 May - Stevenage week 5. Transect walked again 1215-1325 hrs (17c, 16% sun, NE 3) - 6 butterflies (Peacock 4, Green-veined White, Holly Blue). First garden Brimstone (male) of the year
30 Apr - Knebworth week 5. Transects not walked since week 2. Walked between 1035 and 1255 hrs (14-16c, 80% sun, S 4) - 18 butterflies (Orange-tip 5, Brimstone 3, Green-veined White 3, Small White 3, Peacock 2, Speckled Wood 2) - average total for week, In garden, male Orange-tip (first for year here) on 'Bowles Mauve'
29 Apr - Stevenage week 5. Transect walked 1030-1150 hrs (13c, 82% sun, S 4-5) - 2 Peacocks. Stiff breeze did not help. Will probably walk transect again for this week
12 Apr - Knebworth week 2. Mixed bag for the 2 transects. The Park walked 1250-1400 hrs (17c) - 4 butterflies (Peacock 2, Brimstone 2). Woods 1415-1500 hrs (19c) - 16 butterflies (Peacock 10, Orange-tip 4, Brimstone 2) 2nd best year for week since survey started in 2017
8 Apr - 4 Firsts of the year. Stevenage transect 1250-1405 hrs (16c, 37% sun, SE4) - 10 butterflies (Brimstone 4, Peacock 3 plus 3 firsts - Orange-tip, Green-veined White & Holly Blue). Also first Speckled Wood off Whittington Lane, Stevenage
6 Apr - Fairlands Valley Park. South end - 5 Peacock, 2 Brimstone & Red Admiral. Andy Day reports 6 Peacock, Comma & Holly Blue in northern section north of the Environment Lake
5 Apr - Species accounts updated - UKBMS. UKBMS 2023 abundance data added
4 Apr - Small White. First of the year - male in Whittington Lane, Stevenage (TL243236)
1 Apr - Orange-tip Knebworth Park. At TL228214 reported by Tom Speller. Walked Stevenage transect week 1 (1240-1355 hrs, 14c, 83% sun, SE 4) : 6 butterflies (Brimstone 3, Peacock 2 & Comma)
30 Mar - Langley & Norton Green. Brimstone in Langley - not reported in TL2022 since 2004. 1st Small Tortoiseshells of the year at Norton Green: 1 near pond and 1 in Burleigh Meadow. Several Peacock and Brimstone plus 2 Comma