The Common Blue is widespread and common except on the mountainous areas in Scotland and Wales. Both range and abundance have declined slightly since 1976 but have stabilised since 2005 (Fox et al.). It is thought that many colonies were lost in the arable areas of eastern England through farming intensification in the last few decades of the 20th century (Asher et al.). In Hertfordshire and Middlesex, it is still a common butterfly and although populations are a little lower than 30 years ago it is colonising new sites even in urban areas. The 1990s saw an increase in numbers until 1998 when it suffered badly probably due to the wet weather in June that year. Since 2003, it has recovered well both in range and abundance despite the run of poor summers in the middle of the 2010s. 2018 saw substantial increases in numbers at many locations but 2019 was a poor year with low numbers in the second generation (Wood, 2019, 2020). Apart from a further worrying decline in adundance in 2021 numbers picked up in 2022 (Wood, 2023).
United Kingdom | Herts & Middx | |||
Distribution | 1976-2019 | -37% | 1980-2015 | +1% |
Average 10-year trend | -9% | 2006-2015 | +33% | |
2023 since 2015-19 | +13% | |||
Abundance | 1976-2023 | -22% | 1980-2015 | -18% |
2014-2023 | -27% | 2006-2015 | -8% | |
2022-2023 | -13% | 2023 since 2015-19 | -18% |
UK distribution map
UKBMS Species summary (2020)
Open grassy areas where the larval foodplant Common Bird's-foot Trefoil Lotus corniculatus grows although other plants may be used - see below.
Common Bird's-foot Trefoil L. corniculatus. Other plants such as Greater Bird's-foot Trefoil L. uliginosis on wetter soils, Lesser Yellow Trefoil Trifolium dubium, Black Medick Medicago lupulina and Common Restharrow Ononis repens have also been recorded (Sawford).
Common Bird's-foot Trefoil L. corniculatus (269), Garden Lavender Lavandula x intermedia (127), Heather Calluna vulgaris (89), Thistles Cirsium sp. (84).
In 1902, Gibbs states that it 'occurs very generally throughout the county' and Foster in 1934 describes it as 'usually abundant'. However, the decline in numbers probably started in the 1950s when changes in agricultural practices resulted in loss of suitable habitat (Sawford) but it was probably still very widespread a decade later. It might have occurred in every tetrad in the county since its principal larval foodplant Common Bird's foot Trefoil L. corniculatus was found to be as widely distributed (Dony) although no indication of the plant's abundance was given. Waterton in his 1970-81 report refers to it as 'still fairly common and widespread but nowhere nearly as abundant as it was ten to 15 years ago'. The desiccation of the foodplant in the hot dry summer of 1976 is the most probable reason for the significant decline.
As indicated on the map, the butterfly has been found in almost every tetrad in the Stevenage district although in most places numbers are usually quite low. The best sites are Frogmore Gravel Pit, the western part of Knebworth Park, Great Ashby Park, Shackledell Grassland and the field adjoining Watery Grove. In 2018 the brownfield site at Arlington Business Park off Six Hills Way near the A1 attracted good numbers, e.g. 59 on 9 June. In fact, 2018 proved to be the best year during the survey period with 161 reports including several in September and October. 2019, however, was a poor year in terms of abundance with few records reporting double-figure counts especially in the second generation. Unfortunately, the decline continued into 2020 and 2021, with only 70 and 42 reports respectively, the latter being the worst year in terms of records since 2012. In the areas I surveyed there were apparently far fewer Bird's-foot Trefoil plants for some unknown reason. Numbers picked up in 2022 mostly in the second generation.
Earliest date: 5 May 1995 at Shackledell Grassland
Latest date: 24 October 2018 near Watery Grove
There are two broods every year with the
second generation usually seen in greater numbers. Peak numbers are often recorded in the last
week of May and first week of June for the first brood, and early to mid August for the second generation. The 24 October sighting in 2018 is the latest
ever by nearly three weeks, which is probably indicative of a third generation. Females lay eggs on the leaves
on which the caterpillars feed underneath. Larvae attract the attention of ants when fully grown. Pupae are formed on the ground, sometimes close to
ants' nests. The butterfly overwinters in the larval stage.
More details on the UK Butterflies website
The female Common Blue can look very much like a Brown Argus. Aside from the different spot patterns on the undersides for the two species, the best way to distinguish between them, another clue is the flight behaviour. Brown Argus is usually more skittish and appears silvery-grey whereas the female Common Blue makes slow flights between resting/nectaring and looking for places to lay her eggs.
The males vary slightly in the blue ground colour but females can be dusky-brown or any shade of blue. I found a pale blue example of a female in the
meadow at Norton Green Common on 15 September 2014 as shown in the photo on the right. The variation in the marginal orange spots is extensive and the
spots can be very large and bright or absent.
Find out more on the UK Butterflies website
Norton Green Common 28 May 2017 (m)
Norton Green Common 2 Aug 2018 (f)
Shackledell 16 Aug 2017 (f)
Norton Green Common 15 Sep 2014 (f)
Near Watery Grove 28 Jul 2017
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